Kontec 2013
Kontec 2013
KONTEC 2013: 11th International Symposium "Conditioning of Radioactive Operational and Decommissioning Waste" including 11th Status Report of the BMBF "Decommissioning and Dismantling of Nuclear Facilities"
Atw editorial
“KONTEC 2013” took place from March 13th to 15th, 2013 in Dresden. For the 11th time, the topics "conditioning of radioactive operational and decommissioning waste" and "decommissioning and dismantling of nuclear facilities" - including the R&D status report of the BMBF on this focus - were dealt with at this established international event.
The symposium program presented plenary sessions on the 4 overarching themes with a total of 101 presentations:
Disposal of radioactive residues • from the operation and decommissioning of nuclear facilities
(Disposal of Radioactive Residues from Nuclear Facilities, Operation and Decommissioning)
Decommissioning and dismantling of nuclear • facilities
(Decommissioning and Dismantling of Nuclear Facilities)
Facilities and systems for treatment • and packaging of operational and decommissioning waste
(Facilities and Systems for the Conditioning of Operational and Decommissioning Wastes)
Transport, interim and final storage • of non-heat-generating waste (e.g. Konrad)
(Transport, Interim and Final storage of Non-heat Generating Wastes (ie Konrad))
These sessions were accompanied by poster sessions and short presentations on selected posters under the title "KONTEC direct".
The best contributions in the 3 categories plenary lecture, poster presentation and KONTEC DIREKT were awarded: "Disposal of Russian nuclear submarines" by Detlef Mietann, "Post-qualification of "old containers" for the Konrad repository using the example of the containers from storage lane A and repackaging Compaction containers in Hall 2 of the GNS premises” by Martina Kößler, Sebastian Schwall and Pascal Budriks as well as “Electrochemical process development for the purification of organic waste and residue solutions contaminated with C-14” by Hans-Jürgen Friedrich.
KONTEC 2013: 11th International Symposium "Conditioning of radioactive operational and decommissioning waste" including the 11th Status Report of the BMBF "Decommissioning and Dismantling of Nuclear Facilities" Event report
Atw editorial
From March 13th to 15th, 2013, the 11th KONTEC – International Symposium “Conditioning of radioactive operational and decommissioning waste” including the 11th status report of the BMBF “Decommissioning and Dismantling of Nuclear Facilities” took place. The organizers, who had good organizational experience from the previous symposia, had once again invited to the International Congress Center in Dresden, the capital of Saxony, on the Elbe.
The KONTEC symposium series has been taking place every two years since 1993 in the spring. A key objective of KONTEC is to promote the exchange of information and experience for operational specialists, plant manufacturers and service providers as well as experts and officials. Originally conceived as a forum with a focus on the treatment of radioactive operational and decommissioning waste, KONTEC was further developed to include the topics of decommissioning nuclear facilities.
The status report of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research - BMBF on the projects of the R&D program "Decommissioning and Dismantling of Nuclear Facilities" by the Project Management Agency for Water Technology and Disposal (PTKA-WTE) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology is integrated. The project sponsor oversees R&D projects relating to the federal government’s “Research for the Environment” framework program, the BMBF’s “Research for Sustainable Developments” (FONA) framework program, as well as “Nuclear Safety Research”, “Decommissioning and Dismantling of Nuclear Facilities” and “Priorities for future R&D work in the final disposal of radioactive waste”. Within the framework of the symposium, integrated into the event, beginning, ongoing and completed R&D projects will be put up for discussion.
The framework data for KONTEC 2013 underscore the nationally increasing importance of the topics addressed in the "back-end" sector of nuclear energy use. The organizers were able to welcome almost 1,050 visitors from 19 nations in Dresden. 68 exhibitors from 5 nations presented their products, solutions and services for the waste disposal sector in the exhibition area. With 104 registrations for lectures, the technical and scientific program again reached a high level in terms of scope.
Opening event of KONTEC 2013 during the introductory speech of the program committee chairman Professor Friedrich-Wilhelm Bach
In the opening event, Professor Dr. Friedrich-Wilhelm Bach (Institute for Materials Science, Leibniz Universität Hannover) as chairman of the KONTEC program committee. Afterwards, Dr. Michael Weigl Milestones, highlights, tasks and prospects for the decommissioning, dismantling and disposal of nuclear test facilities. Weigl summarized the tasks and projects completed in the period from 2008 to 2011, such as reaching the "green field" in the dismantling of the research reactor FRJ-1 and the activities related to the WAK, ie in particular the successful vitrification of the liquid nuclear waste and its Transport to ZLN Lubmin. With a view to current political issues, such as the completed "Gorleben Committee" of the German Bundestag, the "Asse Investigation Committee" of the Lower Saxony state parliament and the "AVR Investigation Committee" of the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia, he transitioned to future tasks. As highlights, Weigl named the start of the research platform "Disposal options for radioactive residues" with a financial volume of around €15 million with a term from 2013 to 2017 as well as the funding of research for dismantling with currently 39 research projects.
The total of 101 contributions at this year's KONTEC were divided into 42 plenary lectures and 57 poster presentations. Selected poster presentations were also presented as part of KONTEC DIREKT with short presentations in words and pictures. The 28-strong program committee had selected a well-founded and current cross-section of topics from the presentations submitted and divided the 4 sections "Disposal of radioactive residues from the operation and decommissioning of nuclear facilities", "Decommissioning and dismantling of nuclear facilities", "Facilities and systems for treatment and Packaging of operational and decommissioning waste” and “Transport, interim and final storage of non-heat-generating waste” for the presentation.
The best plenary lecture, the best KONTEC DIRECT short lecture and the best poster presentation were also awarded prizes at KONTEC 2013.
This year's 3 winners were:
Best Plenary Lecture:
• Detlef Mietann, Energiewerke Nord GmbH, Lubmin, for his presentation on the subject of "Disposal of Russian nuclear submarines", held in section 3 "Plants and systems for the treatment and packaging of operational and decommissioning waste".
Best KONTEC DIREKT short presentation:
• Presented by Martina Kößler as a joint presentation with Sebastian Schwall and Pascal Budriks, GNS Gesellschaft für Nuklear-Service mbH, Essen, on the "post-qualification of 'old containers' for the Konrad repository using the example of the containers from storage lane A and the repacking of pellet containers in the Hall 2 of the GNS premises" within Section 1 "Disposal of radioactive residues from the operation and decommissioning of nuclear facilities".
Best Poster Presentation:
• Hans-Jürgen Friedrich, Association for Nuclear Process Engineering and Analysis Rossendorf eV, on "Electrochemical process development for the purification of organic, C-14-polluted waste and residue solutions" as a contribution to Section 3 "Plants and systems for the treatment and packaging of operating and decommissioning waste”.
After the opening, the 1st plenary session headed by Günter Petzold (RWE Power AG) and Rudolf-Josef Printz (Research Center Jülich) dealt with the disposal of radioactive residues from nuclear plants in operation and decommissioning in 6 presentations.
The mainly technology-oriented lectures dealt with the "conditioning of core components of the Leibstadt nuclear power plant", the "radiological significance of the material composition for the declaration of irradiated core components", the "development of the inventory for existing and future radioactive waste in Switzerland: ISARM & MIRAM 50" , the "Recording of radioactive waste in nuclear power plants with the electronic accounting system AVK: Experiences with the assessment and control", the "Rapid Gamma Scanning" as well as the "Processing of large components in the GNS plant in Duisburg, Hall 2, using the example of concrete blocks and large containers". Another 15 poster presentations, 9 of them with a short presentation as part of KONTEC DIREKT, complemented the subject area.
With 17 plenary lectures and 18 poster presentations, Section 2, Decommissioning and Dismantling of Nuclear Facilities, was again represented with the most contributions. The 3 individual sessions were led by Udo Helwig (DDCon), Dr. Helmut Steiner (Gundremmingen nuclear power plant), Peter Hildwein (NIS Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH) and Dr. Ralf Versemann (RWE Power AG). The topics presented by the authors included both superordinate, conceptual aspects as well as detailed technical solutions for the application. In part 1 of the session these were "Decommissioning developments since the shutdown of 8 nuclear power plants in 2011 and current status", "Decommissioning and dismantling from the perspective of the operators", "Feedback from José Cabrera Plant Decommissioning Project", "Reactor Vessel and Reactor Vessel Internals Segmentation at Zion Nuclear Power Station", "Dismantling decontamination - concepts and current experiences", "Primary circuit decontamination in the KWB Biblis Block A and B with the ASDOC_D process", "Westinghouse decontamination services". In the second part of the meeting, the topics were "Bringing in the equipment for dismantling the reactor in the Obrigheim nuclear power plant", "Dismantling the Obrigheim nuclear power plant - dismantling of large components (steam generator and pressurizer)", "Superphenix, sodium-cooled fast breeder reactor - disassembly of the main primary components, Preparation for the dismantling of the reactor internals", "AVR dismantling project", "Importance of the ventilation systems in the power operation and standstill operation of nuclear power plants as well as "Migration of the systems for the dismantling operation taking into account proven ventilation concepts and systems", "Radiological characterization and release during the dismantling of the KKS " and "Challenges and solutions in the release of complex and contaminated rooms using the example of the nuclear power plant Würgassen (KWW)". In the final 3rd part of Section 2, the following 3 contributions were discussed: "Dismantling of highly α-contaminated facilities of the HAW camp of the WAK - current results and testing of new remote handling technology", "From operation to dismantling - implementation of technical and organizational measures after Vitrification operation", "Preparation of the old Munich research reactor (FRM) with a view to decommissioning".
Eight plenary lectures and 21 posters were presented under the title of Section 3 Plant and Systems for the Treatment and Packaging of Operational and Decommissioning Waste. dr Thomas Hassel (Leibniz University Hanover) and Dr. Michael Weigl (Karlsruher Institute for Technology - KIT) chaired this plenary session. In accordance with the section, the presentations focused on disposal solutions and technologies. The spectrum of the contributions ranged from "New methods for thermal treatment of oils, activated charcoal and DAW", the "Efficiency improvement in the treatment of radioactive laundry waste water in the Enkk nuclear power plant Philippsburg Block 2 by using a microfiltration system", the "Construction of a 32-barrel -Drying plant for drying conditioned radioactive waste and experiences from the first year of operation", the "Hot-Wire plasma cutting: dismantling of complex components and composite materials", the "Westing-house modular milling process - improvement of the hot resin high-pressure compression", "rope loops in the Dismantling of Nuclear Facilities", "Westinghouse Center for the Treatment of Radioactive Waste" to "Disposal of Russian Nuclear Submarines". As mentioned, the latter contribution by Detlef Mietann was awarded as the best KONTEC plenary presentation of 2013.
In the by Heinz Geiser (GNS Society for Nuclear Service), Dr. Heinz Kröger (TÜV Nord EnSys), Prof. Reinhard Odoj (Research Center Jülich) and Prof. Bruno Thomauske (INBK/RWTH Aachen) led plenary session of Section 4 Transport, interim and final storage of non-heat-generating waste (e.g. Konrad) there were 11 presentations as well as 3 posters in focus. The topics of the lectures were based on current issues of implementation and technical processes. The titles of the plenary lectures were "Konrad repository - status of construction", "Kozloduy Low & Intermediate Level Waste repository design", "Updating of disposal conditions and product control measures Konrad", "Status of implementation of the elevated water law permit for the Konrad repository", "Obtaining the unrestricted final storage capability of the type VI-15 cast iron containers loaded with filter resins from the Krümmel nuclear power plant", "Status of storage planning and delivery logistics Konrad for the waste from public buildings", "KADABRA - A database system for all purposes - Implementation of the material description of the Waste for the Konrad repository", "Interaction of the systems of the Konrad IT landscape", "Specification of the requirements for waste containers for the Konrad repository", "The Konrad type IV steel drum container from WAK GmbH for the Konrad repository - the long road to repository approval" and finally “Pressure build-up in containers with wet In inventory".
KONTEC 2013 closed on the 3rd day of the event with closing words and the awarding of the 3 best contributions by Professor Friedrich-Wilhelm Bach.
atw Vol. 58 (2013) Issue 6 | June